"Have you read my blog today
Three hundred million little USA's Your doorstep is just a click away We'll get together one of these days."
lyrics by Five for Fighting
Welcome to my first blog post! As I worked on this page that lyric from Slice by Five for Fighting kept sticking in my head. After some internal debate I've decided that this is where I'll be sharing new art and cartoons for you to view. I'm only going to give limited commentary but I will be happy to interact and answer questions as time allows.
This page is devoted to share the spirit of art, my art and the arts community as a whole.

The first piece of cartooning I entered into a grade school art contest. The rats are all lame versions of my favorite heroes and have been drinking. I was called out into the hallway to discuss it and whether someone else had done the art for me. Mom had me explain it to her and she labeled everything so she could explain it. I was a different kind of child. :)